October Bloom Day: home again

We returned from three weeks of travel on Saturday night.  Not a minute too soon, as a steady trickle of water was flowing from below the master bathroom sink and probably had been for a couple of days.  The bedroom floor and two carpets were soaked — welcome home!  Thankfully, the furniture and the rooms below were fine.

Until that moment, however, it had been a great trip — especially since I was able to visit Loi of Tone on Tone and his beautiful shop of Swedish antiques in Bethesda, Maryland.  And in Madison, Wisconsin, Linda from Each Little World and her husband, Mark,  not only took us on a tour of their lovely garden, but gave us lunch.  We had very interesting conversation about art collecting and Wisconsin politics.

I was also able to go and pull invasive weeds at Dumbarton Oaks Park in Washington, D.C., and meet the great Ann Aldrich and some of the other weed warriors of the DOP Conservancy, which is supporting the National Park Service in restoring this Beatrix Farrand’s masterpiece.

Back at home, about five weeks into the rainy season, our grass is green again and there are a lot of flowers.   Being away, however, has opened my eyes to a number of problems that daily familiarity was hiding, so now back to work. . . .

To see what’s blooming in other garden bloggers’ gardens this October 15, visit Carol at May Dreams Gardens.

5 thoughts on “October Bloom Day: home again

    1. I like making slideshows because my poor photos really brighten up with the black border.

      I also like the view from my living room. The most successful change we made in the garden was opening up the area in front of the terrace to bring in light and emphasize the view. Also the living room is decorated in yellow, gold, and cream, with a little blue; then the exterior paint on the house is pale yellow; finally, the flowers in front of the terrace are yellow, with some blue.

      I’m just to about to read about Federal Twist — if my internet service cooperates. It’s a little wonky tonight.

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