Foliage Follow Up: two sedums

[Ahem, make that two succulents.]


I’d be grateful if anyone could identify these sedums succulents — both came with the garden.


I’ve had the tall, bluish one in at least two other African gardens.

[It’s a Kalanchoe, possibly a variety of “mother of millions,” K. daigremontiana.]


It’s nice in combination with the pink small and miniature shrub roses; otherwise their effect would be too sweet.



I didn’t realize until I took these pictures that the rosette-type sedum almost exactly matches the two-tone clay pot.  They also match the terracotta colors in the landscape beyond the hedge.

[It’s probably a Graptopetalum.]



Garden Bloggers’ Foliage Follow Up — the 16th of every month — is hosted by Pam at Digging.

23 thoughts on “Foliage Follow Up: two sedums

  1. Nice plant, it doesn’t look like a sedum, they don’t usually have flowers on the tips of their leaves; so maybe a type of semperviren? Christina

      1. Now I’m searching variations on “sedums with baby plants at leaf tips.” I confess that, except for always setting out some dependable ‘Autumn Joys’ in Washington, I’ve never been a sedum aficionado, but I am coming around.

  2. Yes, the one on the left looks like a large type “Hen and Chick” sempervivum…there are tons of different types. Also search “succulents” and you will be amazed at all the different varieties!

  3. I’m thinking the first, taller, bluish one with the baby plants that fall off the leaves, is a type of Kalanchoe. Those baby plants tend to be a feature. And the other one I’m thinking is a Graptopetalum of some kind. They’re both gorgeous, and I love the pot they’re in!

    1. I’m with Alison. Mother of thousands, Kalanchoe – but those leaves are an interesting unusual colour. Debra Baldwin blogs about succulents. So does Pam @ Digging in Texas.

  4. Dear Dee, Christina, Alison, Gwennie, Diana, and Patty: Thanks so much! Although this plays hell with my title at the top of the post. Clearly, I need to make a real study of the succulent world. If I get any more exact ID of either plant, I’ll report back.

    Both plants are great for echoing the colors of the view beyond the garden and of the house. Bringing the two together is the goal for the area in which they’re planted. Blue for the sky and hills, yellow for the house and the light, and some terracotta for the roofs of the houses on the hills.

      1. I thought of it over time — after rather casually depositing some yellow daylilies at the top of the two retaining walls across from the view. I noticed how pretty they were with the blue of the hills, and also how they complemented the pale yellow of the house. Everything worked out from there.

        2nd reply to below:

        I studied landscape design at George Washington University, and the first and main thing we were taught is to have a concept and work it. So if I think about this area as echoing the colors of landscape beyond, I don’t go off in five other directions and have a muddle.

    1. It’s really great, but I have to confess I didn’t (consciously?) connect the plant and the pots’ shape and color until I bent down to take the picture. I had found the Graptopelatum up under a bush in the back by the driveway. I wanted it to get much more attention. It must love its new location, because I need to divide it.

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